CSDA has been busy cartooning since before Thanksgiving break with a local NH artist, Marek Bennett. Students were able to work with Mr. Bennett for two class periods to start creating a comic based on the character traits we celebrate at CSDA! He was able to inspire all our students at CSDA as to how to start creating a successful comic story. Students applied characters, setting, and text to a comic they created on their own. Some students went above and beyond with their stories and the length of their comics, they were really able to fly with their ideas on this project!
Take a look at the progression of the comics with Mr. Bennett!
Day One: Creating character blobs: How to turn a basic shape into a new character
We always pencil first, ink second, and erase last!
Day Two: Starting the final comic. Create boarders and start your story in pencil!
Mr. Bennett's Comics inspire us as we work!
Day Three: Finish Inking and shrink the comics down
Day Four: Make booklets with shrunk down comics
Grade 4 is making one class booklet and each student gets one to share
Grade 5 is making indivdual booklets
Grade 6 is making an individual and a class booklet
When the booklets are finished, we will have them on display at the upcoming art show in February and share them with our families and friends!
Here is Marek's website, he sells his books on the website as well as other resources students might want to take a look at as they continue to create comics on their own: Marek Bennett's Comic Website