Monday, February 9, 2015

5th Grade Optical Illusion Boxes

Optical Illusion Boxes

This project is one that has been cooking in my art teacher brain for a little while. Optical illusions are a good intro for students to practice with perspective. 6th grade is really when we focus on a perspective unit, but this project is a good introduction to thinking about making lines look like they are overlapping or moving back into space. Some students were able to apply different values (lights and dark areas) to their designs which was going above the project expectations. Our artists always are able to surprise me by rising to a challenge! 

After being introducted to the artist Bridget Riley (her artwork can hurt the eyes to look at, but really outstanding!), students were able to practice some different ways to draw lines in their journals before we started their final box design. 
Here is an example of the flat template students drew onto before the box was assembled: 
Once we were able to complete six different designs with colored pencil, we cut out the template and glued it into a 3-D box. Here are some of the fantastical designs the kiddos came up with! 

 Look at the complementary colors in this one!                              This reminds me of the 4th of July!
Some completed boxes...

         Boxes in one big box.... these are from Ms. Mayorska's class:

Overall success! Something I will be using in the future with other 5th grade classes in the coming years! 

Stay tuned because next week is our BIG art show!!! 

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