Welcome Back Artists!
Mrs. Gagne's desk is already full of creative ideas!
What were some big adventures you had during this hot summer we had?
Here are some of my adventures with my little lady Lilly. We had a bit too much fun!
I hope you were able to play, read, draw, paint, and explore all summer long and NEVER EVER got bored!
The art room is ready to be used as a creative space and I know these next two and a half days I am anxiously waiting to see how much all the artists grew both in height and in maturity at CSDA!
Art buckets are ready for each table group!
We have some big projects that are going to happen this year in each grade with some favorite projects sprinkled in between. Some projects we can look forward to making are clay gargoyles, Egyptian mummies, African Masks, weaving, painting, clay, clay, and this year I hope to create with more clay.
One thing we will be talking about on the first day of art class in school is making mistakes in the art room.
I absolutely love the book by author Barney Saltzberg called Beautiful Oops!
We will be able to read the short story and talk about what a mistake or an oops means while creating something.
What do you do when you make a mistake in art?
What can you do with a mistake instead of starting your entire project over?
What can you do if something does not come out the way you planned?
Then, we will get creative making art from recycled paper and found objects.
Looking forward to it!
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