Saturday, March 4, 2017

CSDA Annual Art Show

Glad you could be here! 
CSDA always has a great turn out for the annual art show. The best part of the show for Mrs. Gagne is to observe students showing off their artwork to their loved ones. I always see the pride students have for their final products inside the art room, but to watch students show off their product on display for everyone to see is priceless and is the ultimate part of my job. 
We had many great projects on display and a lot of three dimensional work out on tables. my goal is to get at least two pieces of artwork out for each student and this year grades 4 and 5 had three pieces of artwork on display. I also was able to display some pieces of art for the upcoming Lion King theater production happening in a few weeks here at CSDA.  Take a quick look to see what was on display! 

Wilderbeest Masks for the Lion King: Grade 6 

African Sunsets: Grade 4

African Masks: Grade 4

The art room door! 

Mandala Designs: Grade 6

Keith Haring Clay Figures: Grade 5

Kente Cloth Weaving: Grade 4

Ugly Mugs: Grade 6

Leaf Prints: Grade 4

Art Reproductions: Grade 5

OP Boxes: Grade 5

Ugly Mugs: Grade 6

Hyena Masks: Grade 6

Thanks for visiting the show! 

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