Friday, March 15, 2019

Closing Term 2 and March Makings!

Things are warming up and melting outside! You can feel the energy of spring bouncing around the art studio at CSDA!
Lots of mediums have been out in the art room for a "Hero" school wide project taking place.
All grades completed a combined library/ art studio project about students "Everyday Hero". 
In  the library, the goal was to write about someone who inspires students and is a hero in their everyday life. In the art studio, we designed the frames to go around the written work by adding character traits in block letters or collage and applying mixed media to add color and details.

 Grade 6: Everyday Heroes, Mr. Snoke's Class

 Grade 5: Castle Prints, Mrs. Palmer's Class

Up Next:
Grade 4: Personal Flag Designs
Grade 5: Clay Gargoyles
Grade 6: Egyptian Unit

Stay Tuned!